Hi guys
Firstly can I say i love this site/forum.. its as if you are actually in my head thinking the same thoughts about the tentative start to cycling.
I'm relatively new to this, having (reluctantly) bought a road bike from eBay in order to fulfil a friends brilliant (alcohol-fuelled) idea of 'lets do the London to Brighton' ride.. Well I may be the only person ever to say 'thank goodness for COVID' as it delayed the ride by a year.
To say I am massively confused by all the jargon, kit and lycra is an understatement, BUT I have to say, I LOVE my road bike now, and have a few tales to tell (including a 'Del Boy'-esque falling incident in the middle of Windsor town centre.
I am looking forward to seeing this site develop, and being part of it.. think you have hit on something interesting here!
Oh, and I completed the London - Brighton.. 55miles, in the rain.. blooming silly idea.. but bloody loved it!
Ben - Berkshire

Splat lol
Hi Saw this Group on Fb last night whilst eating Quailty streets and watching the Womens Tour of Britian.Connected with the story Straight away use to be a runner, but that hurts to much now age thing. Dusted off the old Carrera in june and did the wessex Sportive. Loved it so bought a Ribble and now lots of lyrca including the splat kit :) Looking forward to being apart of this Community.
Adrian- Somerset
Hi Ben (strong name by the way! 🤜🤛).
Thank you so so much for diving in whole-heartedly into our community.
Huge congrats on completing the London to Brighton. Funnily enough it's actually a sportive I've never done but I hear Devil's Dyke is a mean mofo of a climb towards the end of the route.
Thanks for being such an engaged member of what we're doing here with m2M Cycling. We look forward to seeing how you progress.
Shout if you need anything.